The term RAG day which many of us while in school and out of school don't know means: "Raising And Giving Day". Raising And Giving Rag day is traditionally an activity centred on raising funds for the less privileged in the society. Though, there are divergent views as to where the term "Rag" originated but it is thought to be from the Victorian era when students took time out from their studies to collect rags to clothe the poor. Since then, rag day has since been adopted throughout the institutions across the globe. The school management at the end of the programme collect the proceed gathered by the students to make donations to orphanage homes while in some cases it is used to purchase the needed materials and facilities to make the centres more functional. On the ‘D-day’, students would be seen in their numbers wearing tattered clothes in order to appear funny and at the same time cut a picture of people in distress. This act, undoubtedly make i...